Please phone or email ahead to book. This allows us to put time aside and even allocate a member of the team to give you all the assistance required - bookings will get priority. Opening hours are 9am to 5pm every day except Sunday, when we are open 9am to 4pm.
For appointments call +44 (0)13397 55864 or email
Cyclehighlands is one of the UK’s biggest stockists of Santa Cruz and Juliana Bicycles - and is number one in Scotland. We could never have guessed when we signed up in 2011 that we would see the founder Rob Roskopp, current CEO Joe Grainey, pro riders like Steve Peat and Jackson Goldstone - plus many others visit our little village on a regular basis! Ballater is a favourite destination for the UK Santa Cruz demo Tour so check our calendar for their next visit!
Touring the Santa Cruz HQ in California in 2019 it became apparent that this biggest of brands is in very safe hands and as one of the few that actually own its own production - changes are made quickly and when needed. Of course without the products themselves being top performers and the unrivalled warranty, Santa Cruz wouldn’t be where it is – and that in a nutshell is why it’s our leading brand. We don’t want to sell something that cannot handle our weather or growing band of destructive shredders.
Our staff ride, build and maintain literally hundreds of Santa Cruz and Juliana bikes every year and we even hand-deliver them to your door if needed. We are not a big store – but we are definitely a Santa Cruz Superstore! Demo and sometimes rental models are also available so you don’t need to just take our word for it.
See you on the trails!
Browse our events calendar for upcoming demo days, fundraisers, BBQs, ride-outs and more! Join in the fun with the mountain biking community with Cyclehighlands.